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Your face is your strongest and most important "first impression." It's what represents you to the world. So, if the reflection you see in the mirror looks older and more tired than you feel, it may be time to consider a facelift. Sacramento and Roseville facial plastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth Toft can bring back your more youthful face and help turn back the clock on aging. He is renowned for his innovative approach, advanced techniques and remarkable results.

Are you ready to learn how Dr. Toft can restore the healthy, vibrant look that your face once had? Click below to speak to a member of our staff or to submit a consultation request online.

Why Choose Dr. Toft

Dr. Toft has chosen to specialize exclusively in facial plastic surgery in Roseville so that he can focus his attention on achieving superior results. Through his elite training and years of experience in facelift surgery, he has mastered advanced, innovative techniques to:

- Lift and firm lax skin on the lower face
- Smooth deep nasolabial folds and marionette lines
- Restore volume to the cheeks
- Lift sagging jowls that distort the jawline

Dr. Toft advocates performing only those procedures that are essential to producing your desired results. In some cases, this may mean combining a facelift with another procedure, such as a brow lift or eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty. Both of these procedures address signs of aging on the upper face, while a facelift focuses on the lower face.

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The Procedure

The techniques used for face lift in Sacramento vary depending on the training and personal preferences of the surgeon. Dr. Toft has developed his own modified SMAS (sub-muscular aponeurotic system) facelift that elevates the skin and repositions underlying tissue for more natural-looking results. He is especially meticulous about incision placement so that scars are hidden in the hairline to minimize any signs of surgery. By artfully repositioning fat, tightening underlying muscles and removing excess skin, Dr. Toft achieves a refreshed and youthful appearance that lasts.

One of the best ways of understanding the possibilities is to look at before-and-after photos of other patients to see how Dr. Toft creates individualized results for each person.

Your Recovery

Facelift surgery takes about 3 hours, and patients are usually able to return home the same day.

Dr. Toft's advanced techniques reduce recovery time, so you won't have to wait long to see the new you. Following facelift surgery, you'll be given pain medication, which is usually needed for only 2 or 3 days. Most people are feeling fine by the end of the first week. Any remaining bruising can be hidden with makeup by the end of the second week, and in 3 weeks you'll look terrific.

Projected Results

Most facelift procedures offer a 10- to 15-year improvement in your appearance, with minimal signs of surgery and a natural appearing result. The goal is to make you feel like yourself, only refreshed.

One of the keys to achieving beautiful results is to make sure the procedure and the timing are right for you. Dr. Toft recommends that patients who are considering a facelift visit him for a private consultation.

To view before-and-after photos, please visit our Photo Gallery. To protect patient privacy, only a sampling of photos are available online. You will be able to view many more during your in-person consultation.

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